They don't want it in vague and grandiose "word paintings," nor in strange and foreign sounding words and phrases. They want it in comparison with something they know. What is it nearest like -- @Arizona? @Surrey? Upper New @York? @Canada? @Mexico? Or is it totally different from anything, as is the Grand Canyon? When you look out from your camp -- any one camp -- how far do you see, and what do you see? Do you see mountains in the distance, or a screen of vines or bamboo near hand, or what? When you get up in the morning, what is the first thing to do? What does a rhino look like, where where does it live, and what did you do the first time one came at you? I don't want you to tell me as though I were either an old hunter or an admiring audience, or as though you were afraid somebody might think you were making too much of the matter. I want to know how you REALLY felt. Were you scared or nervous? Or did you become cool? Tell me just how it was, so I caee the thing as happening to a common everyday human being.